Alsatian (German Shepherd Dog)
A multi purpose breed, apart from pets their more obvious uses are Guard Dogs, Police Dogs and Guide Dogs.
Loyal and protective these dogs can make ideal family pets but need to be socialised from puppies.
Border Collie
They're good with children and make excellent watchdogs. Highly intelligent, readily trained dog breed. Keen, alert and responsive to commands. Enjoys the company found in a family enviroment and also that of other dogs.
Border Terrier
Alert and playful, small physically but a big dog in personality, and well able to stand up for themselves
Great dog for families with active children sweet natured and playful. Intelligent and easy to train.
Dogs that are quiet, intelligent, playful and fun to be around, they are a great choice for a family with children.Easy to train they are dedicated and easily becomr devoted to a family whilst sometimes being reserved around strangers.
Cairn Terrier
The cairn is typical terrier; plucky, spirited, inquisitive, hardy, clever, stubborn and scrappy. It is responsive to its owner's wishes with a desire to please. It enjoys playing with children and is tough enough to withstand some rough friendly play.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel -
A generally playful dog that likes human company, but are sometimes reserved with strangers. Affectionate and devoted to owners and children, good with other pets and friendly towards unfamiliar dogs, thrives on human contact and will love being part of your family.
Collie -
Collies make great family pets because they love to be with people, and love to be part of the family. They are great with children and often take a special interest in them. A highly intelligent dog that is easy to train, they will bond quickly and easily with a family and easily become watchful and protective of the home.
There are two types of corgi- Cardigan which has a full tail, Pembroke born without a tail.
Otherwise bt are pretty much the same---small tenacious dogs, intelligent and easy to train, good with children and other animals
A very hardy breed.
Doberman Pinscher
Large, athletic dog, very robust and fearless making them excellent gaurd dogs. Easily trained they are very intelligentl and are oyal and affectionate towards their owners but they do need early socialisation which makes them good with childre and other pets
Golden Retrievers
This is another breed that has a lot of energy and will want to play for hours on in. Golden retrievers are intelligent, loyal, and with a life span of 10-12 year will be a long time family member.
Labrador Retriever -
A kind natured dog not aggressive, intelligent and easy to train learning commands very quickly.
Reliable, trustworthy, calm, friendly, gentle and confident. A very popular dog that is very eager to please you and is always ready to have fun.
Papillon -
A small pretty and lively dog ideal as a companion or as a loving easily socialised dog for families Its beautiful coat is prone to frequent shedding and needs to be combed at least daily. These dogs make wonderful lapdogs, and they are relatively quiet, compared to other small breeds.The breed is also relatively hardy.
Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Lively exhuberant dogs full of energy and enthusiasm Enjoys lots of exercise and games. Intelligent, easy to train learning new commands easily. Good family dog, great with children and other pets
Pomeranian -
These vivacious, extrovert little dogs will bring a smile to any face, although sometimes they can be noisy. They just love to snuggle up and nap in a person's lap. They usually prefer adults to children and get along well with other pets. They are intelligent, feisty dogs and have a low need for exercise. Despite having fluffy coats they do not need much grooming.
Poodle (Miniature) -
The miniature poodle is lively, amiable, playful, eager to please, responsive and obedient making it one of the most popular varieties of dog. Quite sensitive, tending to be devoted to one person, may be reserved with strangers. It is good with children, other pets and dogs. Some tend to bark a lot.
Poodle Standard
All around the standard poodle is a great dog. With its pleasing attitude, loving disposition, an amazing patience this dog makes a great kids dog.
Poodle (Toy)
Good natured, affectionate and dependable dogs full of spirit but responsive. Highly intelligent making the easy to train. great family pets, good with children and other animals
Pomeranian -
These vivacious, extrovert little dogs will bring a smile to any face, although sometimes they can be noisy. They just love to snuggle up and nap in a person's lap. They usually prefer adults to children and get along well with other pets. They are intelligent, feisty dogs and have a low need for exercise. Despite having fluffy coats they do not need much grooming.
Bold, courageous and confident dogs they are calm ,affectionate and protective but often not very demonstrative even with their owners.Very intelligent and one of the easiest dogs to train, however this should be done from early age. Good with kids and other pets but can be very protective.
Schnauzer Miniature
Alert and playful enjoys human company. Intelligent they are reasonably easy to train good with children and other pets make good watchdogs
Schnauzer (Standard) -
Medium sized dogs that are sociable and playful although they can be very protective and have strong guarding instincts. Their coat requires professional clipping. Alert and playful enjoys company, very good with children especially if raised with them
Shetland Sheepdog
The "Sheltie" is in most ways a smaller version of the rough collie. A gentle reserved dog with a magnificent, profuse coat. Highly intelligent, easy to train they make ideal companions and family pets.
English Springer Spaniel
A great all-round family dog . Affectionate, friendly, active and enthusiastic, Highly intelligent and easy to train. Good with other animals and children, forms close bond with the whole family and if they get plenty of exercise are prepared to snooze at home if left alone.
Freindly,obedient, alert and active dog with a protective and exhuberant nature.
Likes to develop close bonds with their owners.
Loyal, intelligent and obedient, making them easy to train.
Great with children
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Choosing a pet dog type suitable for easy training . Dog easy to train dogs in a breed that is generally thought of as difficult to train. Our list
Easy-to-Train Dog Breeds : Dog Breed Selector : Animal Planet
Learn more about easy-to-train dog breeds at Animal Planet's Dog Breed If you're looking for a dog that will train easily, stick to these easy-to-train breeds.
Easy to Train - Dog Breeds | The largest library of dog ...
If you lack the patience to train, get an easy to train dog. Train your new pooch with ease by find the breed for you in our easy to train dogs list.
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Video: Easy-to-Train Dog Breeds | eHow
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