Dog Recall: Get Your Dog To Come Back - Every Time

Its thesimplest thing in the world at least on the face of it but inpractice itsreally quite hard to get your dog to come back to you every timeregardless of the distractions around you. Here's some help from the dog training expert...

Happy dog recall!Some readers may have a rare dogthat just wants to follow them around everywhere outside and who never straysfar from your side but for everyone else, here are a few of my top tips for youwhen youre training your dog recall.

  • Dont worry, be happy! Recall should be a happy andexciting activity. Use a bright, clear voice and look happy! Personally, I never run particularly quickly towards people who are scowling at me. Im funny like that you may wellbe too and dogs never seem to respond well to scowling or boring peopleeither. Dogs are funny, eh?

  • Use really good food rewards if your dog likes treats.. andplay with your dog happily when they get back to you. Youre trying tocreate real DESIRE to get back to you quickly. If your dog would doanything for a toy, then use that instead but dont throw it away tooquickly.. Remember that coming back to YOU first is what gets Fido thereward. Youre trying to make the connection that coming back = FUN!

  • Move about to be seen! As odd as it may seem, puppies(and to some extent adult dogs) dont always lock on to us by sight whenwere a distance away unless we move. It varies between the breeds, but ifyou move about or wave your arms around when your dog looks up, you maywell increase your chances of them making the connection that you arecalling them back.

  • Run away!! Many of you will have heard that if you walk off out ofthe field, your dog may well panic and head off after you. Thats trueenough and as a strategy for when its all gone wrong, its passable - butits not dog recall training. Heres a variation on a theme: Once Fido has discoveredthat coming back to you is great, try running backwards a few steps sothat he has to work a little harder to get to the fun (treat/toy/fuss).Youll get a little more speed to your recall that way.

  • Train It Step by Step. Build up the level of distractions that arearound when youre training a dog to come back. If you were training someone to drive, you wouldnt head straight out onto the dualcarriageway, would you? In the same way you should build up the level ofdifficulty for your dog whenever he/she is learning something new including recall. Make sense..?

  • Use a Long Line. I use a 30ft lead (not a retractable) with my clientsto make sure that we keep control of the dog at all times. Despite allyour best efforts, sometimes the distractions will inevitable be moreexciting than you are during training despite your best arm-waving, happy-sounding,backwards running efforts. Ive developed a method for using a long line -and for teaching it - that ensures that you wont get tangled up and sendyour dog lots of wrong signals, but its quite beyond the scope of thislittle article. Like most things, its easy enough if you know how. (I teach it in one to one dog training sessions)

  • Angry Doesnt Work. If you feel yourself getting frustrated or angry,please do your best hard though it is to calm down. Even if your dog doescome back, it wont be willingly - which is the real key to dog recall. I oncesaw a lady get so utterly enraged with her dog quite literally apoplectic that she eventually fainted. (She wasnt a Dogfather client I hasten toadd!) Her poor dog wouldnt come anywhere near her until she had fallendown and gone quiet. Its an extreme example but you get the point.

So there weare a few pearls of wisdom on dog recall. Dont expect too much too soon and certainly not without some effort. Like most things in life, recall getsbetter with practice (assuming youre doing the right things) and its unfairto expect your dog to come back every time just because he should do what hesays if you havent actually trained it. Recall training takes weeks oflittle and often practice to make it reliable, but with the right help and alittle perseverance, youll see a huge improvement.

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Im Graeme Hall MGoDT, anindependent professional dog trainer and dog behaviour expert based inNorthamptonshire, covering the UK. I'm a Master Dog Trainer with the Guild Of DogTrainers. Ican come to you wherever you are andwherever there is a dog behaviour problem to fix or perhaps dog adviceordog help needed. Find out what I can do for you - Contact me today!

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Dog Recall: Get Your Dog To Come Back - Every Time Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Hilda
